
The "Come to" Drill

In this drill half of the people go to one end of the drill area and the rest go to the other end.  The gold squares represent Frisbee players lined up.  The little blue circle represents a Frisbee.  In this drill it is a good idea to have about 3 Frisbees on each side to keep the drill running smoothly.  One player cuts back to the right and when he turns and starts running forward, the thrower throws to him.  The runner has to try to catch it.  The runner then moves to the back of the line on the other side after catching or recovering the Frisbee.  When the Frisbee leaves the thrower's hands, he becomes a runner.  The pink arrows represent the runner's path and the brown arrows represent the Frisbee's path.


The Long Pass Drill

In this drill the team divides in half and get in one of two lines.  The first two people in each line start sprinting and the coach throws a very long pass.  The two players try to catch the Frisbee and prevent the other one from catching it.  When it is caught or it lands, the two players come back to start with the Frisbee and the next two players start running.  The gold and silver arrows represent the runner's path and the pink arrow represents the Frisbee's path. 


Marking Drill

This is a defensive drill.  The defender tries to block the thrower from throwing to the receiver or forcing a certain throw.  The thrower has 10 seconds to try to get the Frisbee past the defender.    After the throw, the receiver becomes the new thrower, the thrower becomes the new defender, and the defender becomes the new receiver.



This is a small-field modification to Ultimate.  There is a small square field with a goal box in the center.  The offense tries to catch the Frisbee in the goal box (gold).  Defense is not allowed in the goal box, only one person can be in the goal box at a time, and an offensive player can't stay in the box when the Frisbee is not in the air.  When there is a turnover, the new offensive team must clear the Frisbee by sending it outside of the big square (green).


Square Drill

The team splits into four groups which go to the corners of a big square.  The first member of one of the groups starts running to the next group.  The first person from the previous group throws the Frisbee to him.  The runner, after catching or recovering the Frisbee, goes to the back of the next group, which is now sending out their runner to catch the Frisbee.  The pink arrow is the runner's path and the green arrow is the Frisbee's path.